Sunday, November 29, 2009

Especially for Winnet

As requested, and in terms of the content of this blog:

Portrait présumé de Gabrielle d'Estrées et de sa soeur la duchesse de Villars

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dance? I don't get it . . . .

My Wife and some of our friends went to see Ballet Rambert last night at the Norwich Theatre Royal. I never go to the ballet or to any dance productions because I simply don't get it - I know it's a blind spot, but there you are. So I was a bit annoyed to hear that friend had said to Linda "What a pity John's not here. I'm sure he'd enjoy it if he'd give it a chance."

Errr . . . . no. I've tried. I've given it a chance and I simply don't get it. But the implication is that I'm some sort of Philistine because I don't go to Dance productions.

Now, what really pisses me off is that, among some of our friends, there's a sort of smug acceptance of any "creative" effort, no matter how truly dreadful it is. A sort of "It must be good because it's Art" attitude. Any attempt to criticise anything is rubbished. If you don't like it, they imply, the fault is in you.

Now here's what really gets me - among all these friends I am the only one who engages in any creative work. I paint; I try to write. But I don't "consume" Art in the approved way, so to them I'm a bit of a Pariah as far as Culture is concerned. I suspect a breach is just around the corner!