Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Thwarted at last

(first published 16th May 2005)

Yes, it's in. And here's a photo to prove it. The excess glue needs cleaning up, and the whole thing will need to be sanded to a well-worn smoothness, as if caressed by the sea for a hundred years - oh, all right, slightly eroded is more the look I'm going for. But it's there, in place, done. The thwart hangs from the gunwales on each side and rests on the centreplate case (actually, is glued to the centreplate case). This has been the most difficult task so far, and it seems to have worked. In the words of Hugh Laurie in Blackadder 3 - "Well, huzzah for that!"


Oh, and here's a detail photo to follow on from the last entry about knees. Here they are in all their glory:


Now for the rowlocks and rudder, then we turn the hull over for keel and bilge bands, and painting. I could have a boat by the end of the month at this rate!

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