Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Not the visual arts for once, but music - Folk music at that.  Last night, with Linda, Anthea, Naomi and Paul, I went to the Norwich Waterfront to see Bellowhead.

They were excellent, as always, and we all ended up bopping and jumping up and down to their music.  If you don't know about them they're an 11 piece band, all of them multi-instrumentalists.  Among their instruments are guitar, banjo, concertina, accordion, bagpipe, trumpet, trombone, saxophone, sousaphone, tuba, guitar, banjo, mandolin, bouzouki, fiddle, cello,swanee whistle, tin whistle, loads of percussion, etc etc. Here's a taste of their music, although this is not from last night, but from a concert last year:

"Fakenham Fair"

Incidentally, since last night my new catch-phrase is going to be "Look at the Lesbians".  I'll explain.  For the first 20 minutes or so of the concert Naomi and Anthea were standing near the front of the crowd, behind two rather large young women who were clearly great fans of the group, and who were constantly dancing vigorously and energetically, if in a somewhat ungainly and quite dangerous way - dangerous to other people's toes, that is.  After a while it was all too much for Naomi who came and stood with Linda and I, further back, saying "I couldn't see the stage because of those two bloody Lesbians dancing in front of me!"

Disclaimer 1: at this stage I should make it clear that Naomi would not normally dream of being so un-PC as that, but enough is enough, and the two dancers were very annoying, even from where we were standing.

Disclaimer 2: neither myself, nor anyone in our party last night, has any information about the sexual orientation of the young women concerned.

As the concert went on and the tempo of the music increased, so these two young women threw themselves even more energetically into their pogoing.  I couldn't resist drawing Naomi's attention back to them as they leapt up and down with their arms over their heads, hair flying, horn-rim spectacle lenses glinting in the spotlights.  It was noisy, and I heard myself shouting into Naomi's ear "LOOK AT THE LESBIANS!"

So that's my new catch-phrase.  Now I expect to get told off.  Especially by Naomi.

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